Here's What My Clients are Saying...

Schedule a FREE 1 on 1 call to see how you can go From Fear to Fierce and change your life starting right NOW.

"I constantly think that if I just analyze the problem long enough in my head, I'll figure it out on my own, not realizing that I'm only spinning myself into more circles.

I had extreme fear of judgement from others. I thought they would judge me for my attempts to achieve my own personal success. It took a real hold on my actions and kept me in a place of inaction. But, I learned that anything that anyone thinks of me is none of my business.

By opening up to Stephanie, we really got down to the meat of the matter and figured out WHY I was not taking action in my business and the core belief I have held on to for so long that has kept me from achieving my version of success.

Stephanie asks really great questions to help you root out the core issue. I'm so thankful we were able to work together, so I could get some clarity on my fears and get them out of the way, so I can move forward!"

Elizabeth Kurz

Military Wife, Mom of 3 boys, Health & Fitness Coach, Goal Getter

"Being coached on something I knew meant a lot to me was going to put me way out of my comfort zone. But, I had become bitter, negative, and couldn’t stop thinking about the issue.

Working with Stephanie has been an invaluable process that makes me feel lighter and brighter.

Now, I have the tools to think about the issue in a different way that has left me clear on who I want to spend my time with and my worth.

I’m proud of getting vulnerable. Showing emotions is something I hide a lot and I know that in order to grow for myself, I need to show, realize them, and see how they are creating my reality."

Julie Welde

Wife, Mom, Former Teacher, Dream Chaser

"Before working with Stephanie I thought I knew what was causing me not to move forward. The issue that was keeping me stuck was buried a couple layers deep and I never realized it. Stephanie helped me find the bigger issue.

After my session I was able to make clear changes. It was so powerful to work with Stephanie and come up with a solution that fit me and my life. I feel in charge of making the changes I need for my peace and success.

No matter what story you are telling yourself, if you can't seem to get out of your own way, Stephanie helps you see things in a different light. Then you can feel your heart light up and sing with a new story."

Tricia McChesney

Wife, Mom, Accountant, Entrepreneur

Let's Chat

Schedule your FREE 1 on 1 call Now

The framework I teach is the only training of it's kind. Not only will I show you exactly how to break the cycle of negative thinking, but how to manage your expectations and create better boundaries, so you can start living the life you want.

If you're ready to learn how to love yourself and your life with a system that actually works, then you're in the right place!

Let's Chat

Schedule your FREE 1 on 1 call Now

The framework I teach is the only training of it's kind. Not only will I show you exactly how to break the cycle of negative thinking, but how to manage your expectations and create better boundaries, so you can start living the life you want.

If you're ready to learn how to love yourself and your life with a system that actually works, then you're in the right place!

Pick a date and time that works for you and let's get started!

Copyright 2023 ~ Stephanie Freethy, LLC ~ All Rights Reserved