What's the Next Best Thing you can do for YOU?

Schedule a FREE 1 on 1 call to see how you can go From Fear to Fierce and change your life starting right NOW.

I Help Women Achieve Their Fitness & Wellness Goals By Providing Proven Programs, Accountability, and a Community of Like-Minded Women

Get a step-by-step plan to create a plan for your wellness that actually works.

Join our Community

  • Start with a breakthrough session to identify your short and long term goals and dreams and jumpstart your journey into finding the you you have lost, or never quite found, and empowering the hell out of her.

  • My step by step guide to managing your thought processes about yourself, events in your life, and other people, so you can understand your emotions, consistently overcome struggles, and improve your relationships.

  • Weekly forum with training, Q&A, and accompanying resources that provide practical daily steps to help you overcome problems, evolve, and grow without an overwhelming amount of homework or journaling.

  • Easy access to me for help, answers, and support, plus monthly live Q&A calls for one on one coaching on the specific problem you are trying to overcome.

  • My tried and true time management strategies to help you balance your personal life and career, and stay motivated while doing it.

  • A judgment free community to bond with other women, plus accountability to give you more freedom to chase your dreams and achieve your goals without the guilt that comes with taking some long overdue me time.

As seen on

As seen on

Access everything you need to Heal, Let Go, and GROW

Course for Women

From Fear to Fierce

The most comprehensive program to overcome your past, start believing in yourself, and take control of your life.

  • Stop the vicious cycle of negative thinking that keeps you stuck in the past, so you can start living for yourself.

  • Heal and grow by giving the same effort to yourself that you give everyone else.

  • Rediscover your purpose and get unstuck from not knowing your next step, or what direction you want to take your life.

  • Find your motivation and lust for life instead of feeling exhausted and disappointed. (You CAN enjoy life again.)

  • Discover you again and what YOU want instead of throwing yourself into work to avoid the feelings inside of you.

  • Raise your self-esteem, feel your worth, and have the confidence to overcome any struggle.

Free Masterclass

5 Simple Steps to Overcome Trauma and Heal from the Past

Learn how to get back in control, break the cycle of negative thinking, and start getting what YOU want out of your life.

  • The 3 biggest mistakes to avoid when trying to "fix yourself", so you can start getting results fast.

  • How to identify the root of your problem, so you can fix it once and for all.

  • My 5 Step "Fix Yourself" Framework to identify what's holding you back from the happiness you deserve.

One on One Coaching

Work with Stephanie

Your life is a very unique experience that only you know and understand. If you are looking for hands on coaching to help you work through your specific circumstances, then one on one coaching is for you.

  • A customized program to help you work through your specific needs

  • Focused attention on helping you overcome your unique life experiences

  • Discrete coaching with complete confidentiality

  • A growth plan designed just for you to get you were you want to go

Schedule your FREE 1 on 1 Call Now

Free Community

Personal Development and Growth for Women

Join women just like you who are focused on prioritizing themselves and their goals

  • Free weekly trainings

  • Judgment free, zero drama, no mean-girling zone

  • Learn and grow beside women supporting women

Frequently Asked Questions:

How will this community help me?

There is actual scientific evidence that we are the result of the 5 people we hang out with the most. If 3 of those are your children, then you know why you feel like your brain is going to mush.   That’s where the community comes in. Imagine a safe and sacred space filled with ladies in your age group, in your life stage, and with the same questions (Who am I? What do I want? Etc ) and struggles (divorce, depression, lack of purpose, etc) you have.   When you surround yourself with people who will push you, encourage you, support you, and be there for you, you are more likely to achieve your goals rather than giving up on them.   You don’t have to do this alone. We are going to do it together.

I’ve been in other groups and the women are so catty and mean. How do I know this won’t be the same way?

Two words honey: ZERO. TOLERANCE. I have zero tolerance in general for drama, cattiness, and kicking others while they are down. This community is an absolute sacred space. There will be no criticism or judgment. In order to grow, we must be willing to open ourselves up and be vulnerable. No one is going to do that if they don’t feel safe. We have to be willing to pour not only into ourselves, but into each other. That is where true growth happens.

I have so much on my plate right now I just don’t know if I have the time. Can I still make it work?

This course is designed to work at your own pace. There is no “I’m behind” and there is no “need to catch up”. All of the trainings are already in your library, so there isn’t anything you’ll miss and get behind. You can set aside 1 hour a week, 15 minutes each day, or whatever fits into your schedule. You have lifetime access to this course, so make it work for you. The weekly live calls are for Q&A and coaching. This is completely optional. These calls are recorded and you can watch the replay in your library. Bring your questions and I’ll answer them. Come with your problems and I’ll coach you through them.

What if I can’t make the live Q&A calls, but I want coaching?

You have some options here. First, you can submit your question in the community and I can answer you there. Second, you can upgrade to the Achieve Package where you get 4 private 1 on 1 coaching sessions with me. Third, refer a friend who also joins the course and you each get a free 1 on 1 private coaching session with me.

Is there an overwhelming amount of homework?

Of course not. Who has time for that? You only need 15 minutes a day. You can listen (instead of watching) while doing something else (like driving). There is no such thing as “falling behind” and needing to “catch up”. You set the pace and have lifetime access to the course. Weekly Q&A/live coaching calls are recorded, so listen whenever is convenient for you. The community and access to me are available 24/7.

What is a life coach?

This is an excellent question. Let me be clear, not all life coaches are created equal. Not even close. There is no governing authority out there saying who can and cannot be, and who is and is not qualified to be a life coach. Anyone can just start calling themselves a life coach and start charging people money (so do your homework on anyone that calls themselves a life coach). The difference with me, is that I am actually Certified through a legitimate program. I completed the Basic Certification course, AND BOTH the Master Levels 1 & 2 Certification courses. We’re talking over a year of intense training to make sure I have all the tools I need to help you. (PLUS, I have a Master's Degree in Psychology.)

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