I'm hosting a FREE 1 hour (hopefully less) Info Session to tell you all about this 12 week group study and answer all your questions.

This 12 Week Group Study is For You If:

  • You lie awake in bed at night wondering if this is all your life is supposed to be?

  • You drive to work and think to yourself, "I don't want to do this anymore."

  • Being a wife and/or mother didn't fulfill you the way you thought it would.

  • You keep trying to make yourself happy by telling yourself, "No, no... this is the way it's supposed to be."

  • You've spent your life being and doing what everyone else wanted, and you are ready to start putting what you want first.

  • You are sick of society's "rules" and "norms" and want to stop caring what everyone else thinks.

  • A higher purpose keeps pulling at you (even if you don't yet know what that purpose is).

  • You are done with the guilt that you keep feeling for being unhappy.

I had a career, a husband, a beautiful home in a nice neighborhood, our precious baby girl, 2 dogs, and the white picket fence (not really the fence, but I'm painting a picture here).

So, why did I feel so empty inside? Why wasn't it enough? Why was I unhappy when what I had always wanted came true?

I ended up leaving my career and my marriage, finding myself in my 40's wondering, "Who am I without my career and my marriage, and where do I go from here?"

As I began to open up about my struggles, I started to realize just how many women in their 30's and 40's feel the exact same way.

As I slowly explored who I was without all those labels and roles, I realized it wasn't a burden, but a blessing. I was free to be whomever and whatever I wanted to be.

I'm here to help you do the same. The only one who can understand what you are going through and fully support you is another woman going through the same thing.

That could be a career change, a relationship change, or simply looking for a deeper meaning to your life.

That is why I created this study group. Not only to find yourself, but to have the support of other women doing the same thing. We are going to do this, and we are going to do it together!

Register for the FREE Info Session

"A girl should be two things:

Who and What she wants." ~ Coco Chanel

Copyright © 2022 ~ Stephanie Freethy Coaching ~ All Rights Reserved